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This section will discuss the documents/paperwork options you have. You can upload documents and also create documents with an auto-filling functionality designed to save you time so you will no longer have to manually enter details into you Paperwork again!!!

  • Merging Documents - Overview/Create a Mergable Document

    Paperless Office- Merging Documents Overview/ How-To You can have information from your property file automatically merged onto your paperwork/contracts to save you time from filling this information...

  • Merging Documents - How to Merge your Documents

    Merging info onto your document 1.    Go into the Paperless Office within a property file. 2.    Click on Merge Forms  [img src="

  • Documents- Editing, Emailing, Faxing

    Once your document has been uploaded, you have the ability edit the name of the document, delete the document, email, and fax the document. To Edit the name of a Document: 1.    Click on the edit ico...

  • Documents Overview/Upload Documents

    Documents Overview/Upload Documents You can upload documents in specific contact and property files as well as a general documents section.   Once a document is uploaded into your account, you can e...

  • Paperless Office - Package Generator

    Paperless Office- Package Generator The Package Generator is a feature to help you take the multiple documents for a deal and combine them into 1 large document to easily manage and ensuring no paper...