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Wholesale Marketplace - FAQ

Q) What is the Wholesale Marketplace?

A) The Wholesale Marketplace allows your wholesale deal to be featured in a Leadpipes search results, where it will be displayed to active investors looking for properties just like yours

Q) How can I submit a property to be on the Wholesale Marketplace?

A) Getting started is simple. Just SUBMIT your wholesale deal in a few quick steps

Q) Is there a cost?

A) Yes, the cost is $100/post. Once the payment is processed, the property will be posted within 1 business day.

- Please Note: The payment is non-refundable

Q) How does the marketplace help me?

A) Your Wholesale Deal will be visible in searches from investors, giving it prime exposure and increasing your chances of getting a serious buyer fast. With Wholesale Marketplace, you won’t just be posting a deal, you’ll be positioning it prominently in front of investors who are ready to take action.

Q) How long will my property be posted?

A) Once the your property is posted, it will remain on the Wholesale Marketplace for 30 days. However, if the property sells prior to 30 days, the property will need to be manually removed.  Here are the steps to remove your property

Q) What happens if someone is interested in my property?

A) Great news!!! Someone is interested in your Property.  You will receive an email notification with the Buyers contact details. The email notification will be sent to the email address entered when Submitting your Deal

This is the process an interested buyer would go through to send you their details.  

Q) How do i search for Wholesale Deals?

A) When you complete a Lead Search, any Wholesale Deal in that state you are searching will display at the Top of the Leadpipes search results.

Q)  What if I am interested in a Property I see on the Wholesale Marketplace

A) Looking to Buy a Property, click HERE to walk you through the process of how to connect with the seller

Q) What if my property sells within 30 days?

A) That’s the plan….If your property sells prior to the property automatically being removed after 30 days, you will need to remove it manually.  Here’s the steps on how you can remove the Property from the Wholesale Marketplace

Q) When/Where will the property details display?

A) The details for the deal will display at the top of the Leadpipes results screen when the search is from the state your property is located. For example, The property I posted is in Brunswick Ohio.  There’s another investor that is searching in Cincinnati Ohio.  My Wholesale Deal will appear at the top of the Results screen because the search completed for within the state of Ohio. 

Q) How will I know when my property is Live on the Wholesale Marketplace?

A) We’ll let you know. You will receive and email from us to let you know the property has been posted.

Q) Will you guys facilitate the deal? Or do I need to find my own title company, etc?

A) No, we do not facilitate the deal. We will connect the Buyer and Seller. From there it is up to the interested parties to communicate and process the transaction.

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  1. Josh Tobias

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